Silica Gel for Garments

What Is Humidity

Humid Atmosphere

Silica Gel Is the Solution

Popular Silica Gel of Garments

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We all have seen white silica gel packets coming inside the packaging of electronic goods. Some of us might wonder what these little white packets do. Well, the first thing about silica gel that you should know is that it is a substance which is used for tackling extra moisture in a particular area. Product suppliers provide these silica gel sachets inside their packaging so that excess moisture in the air cannot harm the products. We all know, how destructive a wet environment can be for goods of any type. Silica gel here acts as the defensive mechanism for such issues. Silica gel absorbs any moisture that could be detrimental for the products. To understand how important these little white sachets are you will have to follow the real issues which the humidity in the air can cause. 

What Is Humidity

Humidity, also referred to as moisture, is the measure of the water vapor content present in the air. It represents the amount of water molecules suspended in the atmosphere. Humidity is expressed as a percentage and is influenced by factors such as temperature, proximity to water bodies, and weather conditions. High humidity indicates a higher concentration of water vapor, making the air feel moist and sticky, while low humidity signifies a lower amount of water vapor, leading to dryness. Humidity plays a vital role in human comfort, health, and the environment, affecting factors like thermal regulation, respiratory well-being, and the growth of plants and organisms.


Humidity in the atmosphere is not uncommon, especially areas which are located near oceans and mountainous regions. The amount of rain in these areas are extraordinarily higher than the other regions of the world. Well, environments such as these possess a severe threat to your products. You should think about harsh protective measures if you own a business in such areas.  

First of all, garment products perhaps face the greatest danger of moisture in the air. If the garment products are packed and processed in an atmosphere that is humid and wet, the products can absorb the extra moisture, and this moisture and wetness can get sealed inside polybags, which most of the garment products are using for their packaging nowadays. The interesting fact is that you won’t notice extra moisture inside the bags, but, trust me, you sure will realize the after effect later on. When the outside temperature minimizes a hygroscopic effect is caused, and the garment products start releasing previously absorbed vapor of water. You can save your garment goods if you can dry them immediately, but if it goes unnoticed, the products will grow molds and can damage the whole batch of clothes, resulting in severe financial loss for your company.  

If you thought they could only damage your garment products, then I’d say you were wrong! These molds can endanger the lives of thousands (who will use your garment products), as well as possess the required capability to obliterate your market image and reputation. The reason is that these molds are not only detrimental to your garment products. If any individual wears clothes which are mold effected, it can cause health issues as well. Individuals with the weaker immune system can easily fall prey to the bacteria involved in the growth of fungi on the garment. Wearing products which are infested with mold bacteria can cause a severe allergic syndrome which is known as Aspergillus Fumigatus. Another health risk is the mycotoxin poisoning which can also cause health issues. You can find yourself in greater troubles if your customers get infected with any of the mentioned conditions wearing your garment products. You can visit Best Silica Gel Packaging (BSP) and check some silica gel solutions so that you do not land yourself on trouble due to such a small issue as molds. It is quite interesting to note how vital these little white sachets are to the development of the garment industry! These sachets act as the guardian of a million-dollar sector which are advancing the lives of many in developing countries.

Silica Gel Is the SOLUTION

Humidity in the atmosphere is not uncommon, especially areas which are located near oceans and mountainous regions. The amount of rain in these areas are extraordinarily higher than the other regions of the world. Well, environments such as these possess a severe threat to your products. You should think about harsh protective measures if you own a business in such areas.  

First of all, garment products perhaps face the greatest danger of moisture in the air. If the garment products are packed and processed in an atmosphere that is humid and wet, the products can absorb the extra moisture, and this moisture and wetness can get sealed inside polybags, which most of the garment products are using for their packaging nowadays. The interesting fact is that you won’t notice extra moisture inside the bags, but, trust me, you sure will realize the after effect later on. When the outside temperature minimizes a hygroscopic effect is caused, and the garment products start releasing previously absorbed vapor of water. You can save your garment goods if you can dry them immediately, but if it goes unnoticed, the products will grow molds and can damage the whole batch of clothes, resulting in severe financial loss for your company.  

If you thought they could only damage your garment products, then I’d say you were wrong! These molds can endanger the lives of thousands (who will use your garment products), as well as possess the required capability to obliterate your market image and reputation. The reason is that these molds are not only detrimental to your garment products. If any individual wears clothes which are mold effected, it can cause health issues as well. Individuals with the weaker immune system can easily fall prey to the bacteria involved in the growth of fungi on the garment. Wearing products which are infested with mold bacteria can cause a severe allergic syndrome which is known as Aspergillus Fumigatus. Another health risk is the mycotoxin poisoning which can also cause health issues. You can find yourself in greater troubles if your customers get infected with any of the mentioned conditions wearing your garment products. You can visit Best Silica Gel Packaging (BSP) and check some silica gel solutions so that you do not land yourself on trouble due to such a small issue as molds. It is quite interesting to note how vital these little white sachets are to the development of the garment industry! These sachets act as the guardian of a million-dollar sector which are advancing the lives of many in developing countries.

Most Popular Silica Gel for Garments

Best Dry Superior Desiccant for Garments


Best Dry®️ is superior desiccant made with calcium chloride, steacher, polyethylene and more. With proper mixing ratio, it is produced to control humidity level. However, it comes with up to 300% moisture control capabilities, reducing the possibilities of moisture damages. So, the Best Dry®️ soaks up moisture into a mixing powder, preventing early damage that might harm your good. So your products remain sealed and protected against potential moisture damage during shipment and store.

White Silica Gel Desiccant for Garments

White Silica Gel Desiccant

White Silica Gel is a refined and processed silicon dioxide. It has been synthetically transformed into a hard granule to absorb up to 40% moisture. The wide surface area of white silica gel creates a large network of small interconnected pores that attracts moisture. As a result, silica gel offers exceptional moisture absorption properties of up to 40%. Besides, White silica gel is DMF-Free that isn’t harmful to human sand animal. You can use silica gel sachets with electronics, clothes, food, pharmaceuticals, footwear, and garment-based products. They reduce dampness and maintain quality.

Natural Clay Desiccant for Garments


Natural Clay is actually one kind of desiccant that originated rom completely natural clay. It’s produced with processed real mud in a way of the natural procedure. That why it is totally harm-free and environmentally safe due to not using harsh chemicals and non-toxic materials. Besides, Natural Clay desiccant is eco-friendly and DMF-free as well.
This natural granule is commonly sed to preserve winter clothes, all types of sports materials, and all kinds of garment products. When packaged into sachets, it is primarily applied as an affordable and efficient desiccant, adsorbing moisture from near areas to prevent dampness.

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